Tuesday, May 29, 2012

From the Hart: N2D announces novel publication

N2D Media Group is pleased to announce that Cathleen Hagan, writing as C. S. Gordon, has published her first literary fiction novel in ebook format through Smashwords: The Hart & Horn.

When the paths of a slacker, a modern-day troubadour and a 40-something divorcee converge, each wonders if the other might lead to their happily ever after. But they aren’t in a fairytale; they’re in the real world of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula facing loss, difficult relationships and the realization that happy endings are a lot like unicorns.

The Hart & Horn is available for purchase for only $2.99 in formats suitable for a variety of ebook readers, including Kindle, Apple iPad/iBooks, Nook, Sony Reader, Kobo, as well as .pdf.